Welcome to the Coach Accountability Club.
A 12-week intention-setting and accountability group, aimed at achieving the coaching lifestyle you want.
Cohort One, Sept. 9 through Nov. 22, 2024.
Let’s talk about pain.
You’re a coach. You’ve done the school, you’ve done the credential, you’ve paid the fees and the dues. You have done the work.
But still, you are living underutilized. You have more open slots on the calendar than coaching calls. You’re accustomed to making good money, and at the moment you’re not. You have the gifts, the talent, and the expertise to make it as a coach — but success has been elusive.
You have everything it takes to make it in this business, but you’re not thriving.
Our hypothesis is that most coaches fail because of a lack of clear intentions, accountability, and community support. The Coach Accountability Club solves for that.
You’re invited to join the Coach Accountability Club.
The Coach Accountability Club is a managed support and accountability group, where you will work with six like-minded professional coaches who are all intent on building their businesses.
During the three month program:
You set your own goal to achieve by the end of the program.
Eric Goeres leads the pack, and all the members offer cross-accountability and support.
At the end of the three months, you will have achieved your goal.
Hello, I am Eric Goeres, PCC.
A business coach, a branding coach.
I am starting a new endeavor, and I am inviting you to participate.
It's called the "Coach Accountability Club," and it's a six person support group for coaches who are ready to grow, expand, build, or scale their coaching, either in private practice practice or on-platform.
You have been invited to join the pilot cohort, CAC Cohort One, which runs for 12 weeks — Sept. 9 through Nov. 22.
In CAC, you can expect to find the camaraderie, professionalism, and the human element that you might imagine is present in a friendly office setting — paired with goals and aspirations that are determined by and set by you.
The other members set their own aspirations, and then the group provides accountability and support. This combination of intention setting, accountability and support, over a 12-week time span, should bring all group members much closer to their goals than might be otherwise achieved in solitude.
I will be the guide, the general manager of the group, keeping everyone on track and moving steadily toward their goal.
Intention setting, accountability, support.
Here’s the payoff.
Answer this question:
If you spent three months really working on your coaching business, as part of a fun, productive, social, support cohort, how far could you go? What could you achieve? How could you set yourself up for an ideal 2025? What would you have to celebrate on New Year's Eve?
Think it over.
The impact of the CAC on your practice isn’t limited to just finding clients. You set the aspirations, you decide where you want to go, and then the group supports you in achieving the vision. Each cohort member decides what is important to them, and what they want to achieve. The aspirations are yours to set, alone, or in collaboration with other cohort members.
This CAC is about us all defining and achieving what we want. One member might want lots of clients, another might want different clients, another might want to develop themself as a thought leader and hit the lecture circuit, and yet another might want to reorganize their practice around radically different rates.
You decide what you want … and what you will do to get it. We hold you accountable.
The setup.
The format is as such: The Coach Accountability Club is in session three weeks each month, with one week off per month.
Mondays 10 AM ET: Intention Setting
We start the week with a kickoff and intentions setting meeting. Here, as a group, we set our aspirations for the week, and identify actions that deliver results.(Attendance is mandatory!)
On Tuesdays 11 AM ET: Business Building Group Call
Eric Goeres will facilitate a group coaching session on specific aspects of the building coaching business: pricing, profitability, website, marketing, testimonials, niche, referrals, client-gaining activities, practice management, packages, groups, sample sessions, conversions, partnerships, platforms, etc.
Thursdays 10 AM ET: Open Topic Mastermind
An open-forum, any-topic, bring-your-issue mastermind where the group works on each others' open issues, blockers, and stuckness. Supporting each other with ideas, encouragement, fresh thinking, and as yet unforeseen solutions is key to the groups success.
On Friday 10 AM ET: Accountability & Celebration
We close out the work week with the Accountability & Celebration meeting where we calibrate progress with our stated intentions. Did we do what we wanted to? What worked? What didn’t? What did we learn? What will we do differently next time? This bookend to the Monday Intentions meeting is the core of what will bring you to success.
The CAC provides the ability to work with a peer group as much as four times a week, or as little as two times a week. Obviously, the more time you put in, the more everyone benefits, but it’s understand that nobody has unlimited time, and we are all time starved — so if you can’t make all the meetings, there’s enough grace in the room to allow for that. Don’t let “this will take up too much time” be the excuse you use for not joining the club.
Weekly Meeting Schedule (Eastern Time US), 3 weeks on, 1 week off
Monday morning, we start the week with a group Zoom call. Five minutes of pleasantries are exchanged, and then we get to business. 10-15 minutes are a led discussion, and the remainder is the members deciding on and declaring their activities and progress goals for the week. Members can ask for collaboration on their activites and goals, but ultimately each member sets their own destination and activity. Everyone works at their own pace, towards their own destination.
Eric will lead a topical business-building discussion on key aspects of developing a coaching business. The topics will be decided in collaboration eith the members. Topics can include pricing, CRM, marketing, package development, business development, etc. There will be a poll for members to select topics. This is a Zoom call.
This is a member-led, open-topic working group Zoom call. We go around the room, and member after member will explain to the group a dynamic of their practice (business development or actual coaching) that has them puzzled. Then, the wisdom of the group goes to work on the issue. When time is up, we move to the next member's issue.
The week is over and it is time to be accountable to our intentions and celebrate our progress. One by one, members will ready out their "wins" and report on how they did against the aspirations they set the previous Monday. No shame here, of course. Missed goals are part of life, and will be met with acceptance and support. Nevertheless, knowing you'll be seeing your CAC members on Friday, can be a hell of a motivator during the week -- and we are here to motivate.
We work three weeks of each month, and take one week off.
We start Sept. 9 and end Nov. 22.
Coaching is about change, as we know. The Coach Accountability Club is about change as well — changing the way we do our coaching, run our businesses, and thrive as coaches.
It's three months, and you'll emerge on the other side with the next stage of your coaching life firmly in hand.
What’s the actual schedule?
Sept. 9-13: CAC Week One (No Tuesday Topics meeting!)
Sept. 16-20: CAC Week Two
Sept. 23-27: CAC Week Three
Sept. 30-Oct. 4: Off
Oct. 7-11: CAC Week Four
Oct. 14-18: CAC Week Five
Oct. 21-25: CAC Week Six
Oct. 28-Nov. 1: Off
Nov. 4-8: CAC Week Seven
Nov. 11-15: CAC Week Eight
Nov. 18-22: CAC Week Nine
Nov. 24 Off & Happy Thanksgiving & we are done!
What are the pre-requisites?
The Coach Accountability Club is for professional-minded coaches who are ready to, and intent upon, building their coaching practice. Ideally, so that we can really get to work on building out the client base, you should have the following before joining the group:
ICF Credential
Know your niche
Website set up and sorted out
Scheduling system set up ready for people to book
Client management system rocking and rolling
Pricing and packages figured out
LinkedIn cleaned up and fine tuned
Ready to start working on this as a job
Professional network and access to your ideal clients
The professional expertise to justify charging the rate you want to charge
How do we communicate?
CAC participatory communications will happen via Slack. There will be channels/chat rooms for topics, file sharing, group and one-on-one chat.
What’s the guarantee?
You will achieve what you choose to achieve. That’s the way life works, and there’s no other way. We are here to support you best as we can, but the real work is up to you.
Anything else?
Nope — that’s it. Just come prepared to do the work you assign yourself.
Any other questions, email me.