Season One: Complete. Season Two: Spring 2023.
The Making Business Fun Podcast had finished its first season, and will begin posting Season Two episodes in fall 2022.

Old School Marketing Fun
The Making Business Fun Podcast, Episode #109 (Length 19:01)
Why do Facebook ads not work for my business? What do I need to do to rank on Google? Why are my Instagram ads not working? The answer is, sadly, these digital ad market places are over saturated with advertisers. The noise is immense, their systems are complex, and the time, effort and money to mount and effective digital marketing campaign can be overwhelming. Particularly for a business owner who is in the business of running a business, not in the business of running a bunch of digital marketing ad campaigns.

Insurance for Your Business
The Making Business Fun Podcast, Episode #108 (Length 30:56)
Today I'm gonna be talking about health insurance, business owners catchall policies, property and casualty insurance, liability insurance, Worker's Compensation insurance, errors and omissions insurance, business interruption insurance and also auto and life insurance. Fasten your chin straps, it's going to be an exciting day talking about insurance.

How to Make Profits
The Making Business Fun Podcast, Episode #107 (Length 25:39)
It's important for a business owner to fully understand the concept of profit, the importance it plays on your business, and your relationship to profit. From there, you could then decide what your profit strategy is going to be, and move your business in that direction.

How to Negotiate
The Making Business Fun Podcast, Episode #106 (Length 40:52)
Today we are going to talk about negotiating, specifically in the real world. It's important for the entrepreneur to know the basic strategies and tactics of business negotiations, so that you can choose what strategies and tactics to employ, and also know enough to keep a lookout for them when the other side tries to use them.

Start Up Costs
The Making Business Fun Podcast, Episode #105 (Length 29:08)
Absolutely, one of the least fun things about owning a business is having money trouble. Truly, not having enough money, not making enough money, or not being profitable enough, to keep your business going, is very very not fun.
Today, we are going to take a look at two very specific sets of numbers. First, we are going to take a look at the costs to start your business. These are, the costs, the money you must spend, to get your doors open.
The second set of numbers that we are going to look at, is the monthly operational costs — overhead — and your sales break even point.

Brand Building Blocks
The Making Business Fun Podcast, Episode #104 (Length 25:60)
We’re in an advanced age of branding. Most founders seem to know the importance. But, still business owners can fail to nail the brand exercise. The Making Business Fun Podcast

The Best Business Location
The Making Business Fun Podcast, Episode #103 (Length 55:54)
Some businesses need great locations; others don’t.
Consider Warehouse vs. Dermatologist vs. Burger King vs. retail boutique.

Smart Pricing Strategy
The Making Business Fun Podcast, Episode #102 (Length 30:19)
In this episode on the Making Business Fun podcast, we get into product pricing. There's the psychology of pricing, the concepts of minimum price and optimum price, the importance of testing, brand considerations and finally an objective look at low price strategies (for better or worse).

Finding a Good Business Lawyer
The Making Business Fun Podcast #101 (Length 11:18)
First rule of making business fun is don’t make it unfun. So, get a lawyer.